Tuesday, July 13, 2004


i went to the libary with three who is my oldest and she showed me the computer there and even this thing dooley is dooin --- wow dogies it was fancy- now he sez he wansts me to do another one sometime-

few yers ago we got a tv at the goodwill store and it weems to wurk good- we dont get meny stations but it seels like if you got a good one then one is all you need- well the shows aint too good we we all anjoy them ad things that there are som many of- almost like they just do them shows to put somethin in between them ads-

we been watchin them ads from them lawyers- mercy they got guys that reely do just one thing i guess- one guy sez that if you took this pill durin these years he can get you money- course we was interested in them guys who wanted to get us money for workin in the mines cause we all god black lung stuff- they got mad at me cause i dodnt have non for them to get me money for-

they just got all sorts of reasons for you to call and get money- essie and me was talkin about it- they must be a whole lot of folks who just does nuthin but get all there money out of them court guys- and then that old wentworth guy will be all your money for you at one time- essie wondered it they leanerd you that in school now about suing and all that stuff- seems like a lot of folks make their livin that way-

an if that dont work there is some folks lookin for sick folks to dtake care of and to study-

last night we had the tv on and watchin them guys play baseball and all they was doing was tryin to lose the ball over that fence -- well that dint make sense to me but they seemed to be havin fun doinn it- one guy would hit it and lose it over the fence and they would all hoop and hollar just cause he lost a ball- heck i coudl tickle them to death by losin stuff in these hills down here-

bugt then while these guys was losin ball they would go to some news guy who would tell us about some army folks gettin shot and then sed see that kerry fella and his friend from the south tellin us how they is gonna save us and then in the very next thing they tells us abougt how them guys from arabia wants to kill us all- and then essie changed the dial thing and we saw some folks seein who culd eat the most worms and jump off high places-

essie sed it was more like havin bad dreams at night than watchin the tv- we got the government folks who come around and try to take care of us- ever time we hear some one say hey im from the guvernment and i want to take care of you well we run and hide anymore-

like well one of them guy s got me a brand new john deer 487 shrunk plow with ever thing oni t got air conditioning and a radio and a phone and --- well -- we aint got any land to farm but another fellow got us a shed built to park the tractor in- well that lady miss estelle -- well she worked some stuff out for us and we get a check each month for not growin tobacco- seems like tiff corby who has the land next to us said we could use it sometime and he dont donuthin with it so that lady estelle figured we had it -- we aint figured out what to do with them letters we get yet- wel they want us to use up about well 50 hundred dollars a month and if we do that then we dondt get to go top the church food thing them fireman bring nice toys for the kids and a whold basket of food every christmas- i love to use them baskets to store stuff in- the one last year was a double slatted one with 12 gauge wire handles that went clear around the basket and double walled in the sides- doggies it was nice i would really miss gettin one each year so you can see why we aint sure about that money comin in --- none of us even smokes so why would we grow tobacci - them government people - i got a feelin too that the congresswoman had somethin to di with it- she has what she calls a slush fund and thought we could put some of that money in to slop up some of that slush -- we figured ----

i got nothin to say

old dooley wanted me to write sumthin here for him to put in some thin he call a blog ... we got a lot of blogs out in the field but we dont call them thet ... we call em cow pies-

ol dooley sed to say somtthin about the family and what i think bout some things- i got this type thing up in corning afew years ago- we went to some sales they had there and i just loved this typin thing- you hit a key and pow it printed in on the paper- well i never cul srite too good only lerned to print not the cursed or whatever that was they tried to get us to do- but then i only went to the thurd grade- it was kinde weerd thouhg we had all of my brothers and sisters in school at one time at the schoolhouse in boone- it was only wun room and old rebecca hatcher was the teecher- and she tried to teech all of us all that different stuff- well by the time i got the grade three there was my sister edna -- she was purty slow with stuff -- and my bruther norris -- he was the one that got kicked in the hed by our mule we called dutch .. he never did good after that- well anyway there was three smiths in the thurd grade alone and ms hatcher was tryin to get the old ones gradiated and it was jus too much for her- well she sent seven of us home and we never went back-
but she gradiated tu of my borhters and one sisteter and they did good after that- james arthur well let me say this first- we had some guverment people comin round a lot trying to help us out with welfare and all sorts of programs they had to help us- they mkent well and it seemd like they had so much they wanted to give us-
one time a guy comess down in a big black subourbon well we though he was a shiner at first -- then he splained that a subourbon was not to drink but that was what his car was- anyway he had tui hundred and fifty thousand dollars for us to put a big dam and a pond on out place- he had looked at somethin wrong cuse there was only a half acre and it didnteven belong to us- but anyway someone wanted james arthur to go to college and got him in an army college up north and james arthur went do did reel good and become a kurnel in the army and we think dthat he may become a genral even-

course maude amy went to college at ahia state and went on i9n the guvernment and became a senator in washington- they got her some sort of a scolarship thing and well maude was always feel fast and could jump and they got her on some sorta group of folds that i guess also liked to run and jump and they payed for her to go to school up there just to run and jump or sumthin like that- it got reel confusin cause she come home one time and gold us hbow she run around in a horseshew so you can see how we confused it-

albert grover well we dont talk bout him at all- somehow he unded up in california and got in with a wrong crowd well we dont even know what all he did out there but he got caught doin it- at first we thought he was doin somethun in music -- well we heard sing sing and didn't know what that ment-

i never did get back to school after that just them three that they worked with- the rest of us stayed home and helped out with cleaning and farming- daddy rented some land from josh bowers and we farmed thet and did good with food and stuff for us- we even went in to town sometimes and sold some of it to folks ther to get some money for us-

im married now and have tu boys and a girl- essie mae is my wife and we just named the kids one two and three it just seemed easier than comin up with names- thats a little somethin bout me- gonan get this off to old dooley and see what he does with it.

About Justin .... by an admirer

Justin O. Smith .... well, let me tell you how he got his name. Justin was the last child in a family of 14 brothers and sisters. When his father asked the doctor whether it was a boy or girl, he said ... "It was just another Smith" thus his name, Justin Other Smith.

And his live has been the same ... last in line, no breaks, but he has a good attitude on life, sometimes some interesting things to say .... a typewriter ... but the shift key does not work, well ..... you'll see ......

Justin and his wife and family now live in Southeastern Ohio, in a coal mining town, but, coal is not mined there anymore. There is no work, few people .... we'll go from there .......

One more thing .... Justin writes like he thinks, says what is on his mind, and has a common sense point of view .....