Wednesday, March 01, 2006

lof a fuss goin on

well it is wednesdaay here in southeastern ohia the sun is out nice an not too cold we was talkin this mornin about all this stuff about where are ships park and so forth and i guess none of us understood what was happening we kno them politicians dont so who duz well izzie yonders when he was in the war members that when he was in nu york that them folks there run the port an he thought the same think about long beech in california them cities made there money offn them what happened anyway

one of them demo congress guys sed well maybe one of them aem guys runnin some port culd have a cusin who had a frend who had a neighbor who new a guy in the alcaida thing and would tell him somethin old heiny jordan sed hey them terror guys seem to be able to find out anythin anyway

but then ol covey who has a tv in his trailer he hurd a funny thing he said yu dont hire old michel jackson as a baby sitter u dont let your cute daughter do any baby sittin for old bill clinton and it aint a good idea to let guys you dont know and was one tiem an enemy to run out ports it aint a good idea aint we got anybody in the us of a that culd do it we got all them folks out of work ... a lot of companies going out of business and them smart suits drivin cabs then culd run it i dont kno we just aint smart people that aem place gave money to nu olrealns to help well that shows ssomethin not shur what where are them teamster guys what du they tink o that situation i thought tehy run them ports where is the mafia let them run it they is forners too from itly or somers id rather see them there i thought they was anyway i gotta go the goverment guy is here he brings us a check ever once in a while they paze us to not grow tobacco and stuff we get a lot more now then when we had to plow and plant and all that sugg we wuz goin broke doin that now they gives us over a hunert thousand a yer after we pay off the motor home and the house n some other stuff we has got i am gonna get a nu typin thing later