good week for us the church will being out there truk filled with food for us i dont kno wher they get it all but it usually has some surprizes one time we got 7 jars of sometin called antipasto or somethin like that we just opened the one it was bad the dog wudndt eat it we been usin the other 6 as decorations on the fireplace the labels was really purty the one we opened we finally buried out back and it looks like the hackbush that was near it is gonna do reely well we talked about opened them others and usen them in the garden this summer dont know about that smell though we alas get a lot of rice and powdered milk and them powder potatoes an corn syrup lots of corn syrup we got so much of that we started storin it out in the back of the barn we tried to tell them folks we got some cows so we got milk and effie does taters every summer and we keep them down in the potato cellar thats nice and cool so we got plenty of good old mashed taters all the time but they still keep bringin all thet stuff out sweet taters too i think we got over 200 cans o them
the one that is reely a problem is tha tuna stuff they been bringin cases of thet stuff out now for over 7 years we dont know what it is we opened a can a long time ago and we had over 75 cats come to the house they was everwherre effie finally buried that stuff deep in the field out back them cats hung round her to where she culd hardly dig she finally got it done and them cats hung around for a long time we just been storin them cans out in the back of the orchard we just aint got room anywhere else.. ezra parkinson sed the cans was luminum or somethin and that they would be ok outside i guess we will get more this week to put out there
sumdtimes too they bring some reely good stuff that some folks gives them over type stuff one time we got a load of pears from somebody who had too many too guys a harry and a david i think it was them was reely big pears i think the lady from the church sed they was somethin like a queen anne or something good and big and juicy but they musta had a lot cuse they kept bringing them out ever week effie put up about a hunnert jars of stuff preeservs jam jelly we had pear pie and effie can do a number on pie but i gotta admit we finally got reely tired of pears we still got a lot of the stuff in the fruit cellar
they meen well though and we do preciate what they do it helps out feedin everyone and i guess it helps the goverment get rid of a lot of stuff they got they must have a lot of cheese stored up somewhere cause well i mean they bring out cheese all the time dont get me wrong its good cheese well yu see all our neighbors are in the same shape we are in no jobs with the mines closed they tried to put in a place to make stuff nearby somethin for a honda or some jap car well that didnt work out bout the time it was goin well they decided to make the part someplace else nice building the county has been holdin dances there and they has some offices too old howdy bell the stension guy has a reely nice office there toomy banks duz too he has somethin to do with veterans or somethin only problem there aint no veterans around here everyone has been kept out of the service cause they always needed the coal from the mines so toomy really dont do anything but hez got a really nice office got a big glass box with funny lookin fish swimmin in it even got a lite bulb in it dont know why it do hurt the fish
gotta go for now here comes the church truck the kids always has fun when it comes round sometimes they take all them paper labels off and just guess whats in them cans not that tuna though goes rite to the back of the orchard
Thursday, February 16, 2006
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