Saturday, April 25, 2009


we was talking up at they hospital bout how this feller from alabama is spendin all this money and how he got rid of thet guy from the genral motors caar plaace

we waz dtrying to figure out what he had to do with it

dhe culd jus go in an get rid of anybody i gess

now they is a given more dollars to them car places to hep em out

they has been in business for long time n they is goin bellyup

so they is duin somethin wrong

sos the guy from alabama is givne them more money to keep doin stuff thet made em bo belly up in the fust place no thet dont make sense is they gonna keep doin stuff wrong till they get it rite it jest seems like somethin is wrong there

some guy sed them car guys was losing money on ever car they sold now thet jus dont seem lkike good business to me

then essie sed that if they cut down on car sdales they wuld lose less money well thet axcturlly made sense to all of us i guess maybe they shuld try a duble price sale then they wuld make more money

wher is the president guy from alabama gettin all this money anyway

seems like he culd save a lot of money ifn he didnt fly round so much

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