Thursday, June 08, 2006

they got a bad guy over there

we wuz listenin to the newss this mornin an they kep taliing bout this guy they blew up over there i thought they kep sayin his name was fukari or somethin like that hes got a whole lot of names anyway they seem happy thet they blu thet sucker up from the looks o them pichurs they got more than jus him hell of a big hole there

why caint they find thet other feller the ben ladin guy i wonder

i kep herein his name and thought of theem fukari indians we had in oklahoma they wuz alaways walking round and some times the old chief wuld look round and say to his tribe where the fukari thet wuz where they got their name i i guess old bush theree is gettin a lot of mileage out of this thing its on both our stations an even on the radio we only get the am not sure bout the fm

seems like a good plan though blo up all the buindlings they is trying to tell us how bad this fukari guy was he wers his watch on his right arm wonder if he was left handed

sum guy sent me an email the other day and wondered about where we live well we got to talkin bout it well we got a post office at the store henny broman has been doin the mail there as long as i can remember he also owns the store an does a lot of the work there we alays just call it here or there down at the store never worried bout a name for it till we went to school and on thet building it always said corning so we figured that we wuz named thet the ol school had tu doors one for boys and one for girls dont see thet anymore

store and ol henny has gas tu n some clothing stuff and course groceries n other sstuff ol curly mapes had the hardware sstore he had everthing we ever needed and ifn he didn't have it he got it for us sometimes took a while to get it lot of the stuff he ordered got delivered by the old greyhound bus it cfame to town one time a day round noon i still remember the day someone got off ol bage cotterman joined up in the army an they let him come home one time to say hi to his folks then he got on the bus a week later and we never saw him again no one never herd from him

there is still a poolhall with tu tables n a pop machine old george mann has a barber shop we all go to an mert kalmer has a buty shop i never been in there even when i pick essie up i wait outside lot of scary stuff goes on in there n they do a lot of talkin

just a small town with a small school at the futball games on friday nite out marching band is so small thet they only form a period on thet futball field

love you all from justin n essie an theer kids

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