Wednesday, July 04, 2007

been a while

it has been a while since i got to use kalleys computer thing the home schoolin folks sed thet she cult only use it for schoolin stuff and not to let her daddy use it at all so she didnt

well old bush lettin thet guy go home i guess he was a friend or sumptin but it jes seems like a bad time to do thet he aint reel popular now with no one to much and well thet jus seems like not a good thing to do to me anyway

we was talking las evening at the grange hall as to why we is in thet war over there we kindee think ol saddam there could have done a better job of it all all them boys and girls lost well we was talkin bout terrorism stuff an we was wonderun why we was in iraq cus we wasnt sure if thet was where this terrorism stuff was in the first place some guys tought it was old saudi rabia where them guys lived and worked out of so why is we in iraq

them smart guys use a lot o words to splain it but we wassa thinkin they was just words and when we tried to figger them out they didnt meen nothin like this thing in england with them bomb cars they didnt stop them in iraq they stopped them in england there by findin out who they was and what they was gonna do so we wuz wonderin how fitin in iraq was stopping them guys from blowing us up here in the us of a then ben ladein guy is still runnin round we got ol saddam and his kids but them folks is still wantin to blow us up saddam parently did some bad stuff to his people but they was his people not ourn some feller sez they was oppressed whatever thet meens oppressed is better than dead so we just goes in and shoots them oppressed people i guess we set em free now all them guys is wanten to blow themselves up and go to tem virgin girls we aint seen many of them down here in shawnee i tell you

it ainta gonna be easy findin all them folks what wants to blow us up thet one guy over there was a doctor for cryin out loud they is just a whole lotta people wantin to do thet to us

well we bout decided america is bout done for as to like it was when old ben franklin and george started things it was kinda like they pushed a big old wheel down a long hill and it keeps goin faster and faster and aint nobody can stop it well we opened them freedom doors to everyone and they came an r still coming an we caint close them an now we has to lern spanish jus to read them boxes thet comes with things we buy

an now too ol harley kester sed too bout who issa goin b the president well why wuld anyone spend millions o dollars thet wasnt theres in the first place to get a job thet has more headaches than a moonshiner has next mornin u got the tax thing thet war in iraq bunch of political guys steeling stuff thet one reel mouthy woman running the congress now them ruskies are gettin there dander up agin most of the people is livin on the government well old harley sed he dont figure why n we all greed with him at the grange hall

i sed once that the guvement guy stopped by and they want to pay me to not raise stuff on the farm but thet it had to be stuff we didnt raise that they wanted us to raise in the fust place cause i wanted to raise that marywanna stuff cus it sold better but the guvment cant pay me to not raise it i gotta not raise corn or sumptin like thet they will only pay me to not raise something they want me to raise in the first place well thet never made a lot of sense to me and then we figered that when they started payen us to not raise stuff n we would lose some of the other things we was gettin well we was better off raisin stuff n gettin all they other stuff we got from the guvment and the country and the state a lot bettr off

we culdnt decide who we liked to be president next time we wach ol fred there on thet tv show and he does a good job as the da or whatever and the obama guy well some sez he shuda be wering a towel on his head cause he was brught up thet way then we found out it was the hillary folks thet sed thet hillary well we jus cant decide bout her bout the time we made ar minds up on willy her old man then she comes around but them makeup folks are doin a good job she dont look the same anymore she dont even talk the same anymore we was watchin her on tv at the grange hall she was talkin to some folks when they brought up bout bush lettin thet guy go home an she sez croneeism has to go well old hessy grove had her dictironry book with her and looked thet work up and it sed see clinton when she sed that old palentine rhoe let out a whoop and a hollar at the grange hall somethin bout callin the kettle black or something like that

rudy might do a good job thet fat old gore guy sez he might try but we all know old hill aint gonna let thet happen so i guess at the grange hall we is leaning for ol newt he talks a lot of good sense stuff and we like thet but he aint never gonna get the chance so we dont know

nuther meetin on wensday will decide it all then

i am thinkin of getting this keybord fixed i thought it had a spellcheck thing on it but kalley sed it wore out or sumptin caint figure thet out

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