Monday, May 18, 2009
1st Response
Restoration and Reconstruction Specialists
Located in Newark, Ohio
Located in Newark, Ohio
1st response,
first response,
Sunday, April 26, 2009
happen in church today

we had kindee a strang theeng happen in church today
there was this older cuple that had been going to our church regular for a long time but they kindee kep to themselves an we didnt no them tu well
his missus had beena coming by herself for the last few weeks or so cause she said her husband had not been feelin too good
well they com today
i guess he wasnt feelin that goodd but the missus wanted him to try to go cause she was a good church goer n didnt want to miss too much church goin
his missus tol him that ifn he got to feelin poorly to just get up n go outside and wait for the end of the sunday chuch service
so they come to church service and he put his hat down under his seat in the wire thing that they had to put hats and things
bout halfway thru the church service he got to feelin poorly n told his missus mother i think i am a going
she was kinde perturned but his missus sed o alright john go ahead an go but dont forget yur hat
so john reeched down for his hat under the seat in the wire thing well he jes kept goin n died right there on the church floor
we will be a goin to his funral in a few days
our ol church

we only had six people in the cwire but they did ther best n they filled thet old chuch with some purty good music
we was all so pour in them days thet the pastor dint even take up a collection dint even pass the basket around
whut he wuld do is ever week or so he would visit all the houses of the people in the church and ifn they had anythin at all they would slip it to him as he was leven
sumtimes people wuld give him food n stuff ifn they didnt have no money
in them days we didnt get payed for not raisin stuff like we do nowaadays so when them mines closed up there was nuthin pa culd do to get no money
nowadays we get paid by the guvenment to not do a whole lotta stuff they giv us a whole listastuff dthet ifen we didnt farm it and raise it they would pay us for not a doin it sos we got money now to put in the basket we we ago to church
wes waitin too for thet president guy from alabama send us somma thet money he is a passin out so much
sunday mornin

yu can see why we likes it here so much
essie is gettin all the kids redy and we will be hedin for church soon and see what ol pastor duggins has to say
last sunday he was a talkin bout how they issa taken the bible outta schools and guvernment n everthin and how it wernt right to do thet cause when they started this cuntry they was reedin the bible then and we should still be reeding it and duin what it sez
the pastor sumtimes gets talkin and dont loook at his watch an we sit there for a long time lisstenen sometimes for tu or three hours but it duz us good to be hearing what he has to say cause it always leeds to sumthin in the bible n thet makes it good
we will be a comin back for bible study tonight and then maybe go to the grange hall n sit round and discuss thins thet issa happinen in the world
i know we put all the pigs in a fenced in area in the back and dont let them run around the yard with all this pig flu thing goin round
i dont know how our hogs cudda gotten anything cause they aint never been offen our place
i duz seem to be a bad thin goin round though
talk to u later after church
Saturday, April 25, 2009
thet degenrate woman
we wuz at the store the other afternoon and they had that blon gal in the tennis shoes on on their tv an we cided to watch it
well she started out by doin a dance like none i ever saw
member on thet show with thet comedy guy and the fat guy and the funny guy and thet woman well they used to laugh when thet woman did her dance but im thinking it was about the same thin only when thet blond lady did it they thout it was wunderful
then she talked some then she had some little skinny blone woman on
she musta been nemik she was so thin but they all seemed to like her
seemed like she had sumthin to do with one a them foreen cuntries like italy
then some gal came out a singing
well me n essie thought she was a deliverin a baby or somethin the way she was a carryin on but when she was done no baby but the crowd a people watchin jus went crazy clappin for her
still aint figured thet out
essie sed too they must not pay thet blonde ellen woman much money for doin her thin on the tv or she could get her some better shoes
w e didnt stay to see all of her i guess we dint understant her n her dancin n then they was talkin bout her better half and dagone it her better half was some woman
so we watchd old kojac shows thet was on
seems like we understood them better
with all them friends on her show seems like one o them would give her some money so she dont have to wear them old shoes
well she started out by doin a dance like none i ever saw
member on thet show with thet comedy guy and the fat guy and the funny guy and thet woman well they used to laugh when thet woman did her dance but im thinking it was about the same thin only when thet blond lady did it they thout it was wunderful
then she talked some then she had some little skinny blone woman on
she musta been nemik she was so thin but they all seemed to like her
seemed like she had sumthin to do with one a them foreen cuntries like italy
then some gal came out a singing
well me n essie thought she was a deliverin a baby or somethin the way she was a carryin on but when she was done no baby but the crowd a people watchin jus went crazy clappin for her
still aint figured thet out
essie sed too they must not pay thet blonde ellen woman much money for doin her thin on the tv or she could get her some better shoes
w e didnt stay to see all of her i guess we dint understant her n her dancin n then they was talkin bout her better half and dagone it her better half was some woman
so we watchd old kojac shows thet was on
seems like we understood them better
with all them friends on her show seems like one o them would give her some money so she dont have to wear them old shoes
Oddie Park
me n old cal wernere was talking the other day bout ol odie park
odie took his check money thets the check we get each yer for not raisin crops and he took the geyhound bus to our capital city up in mid ohio there
he sed he went to one of them mcdonals things and to w windys n really liked them burgers and freys and thngs thet he got ther
when odie got back he was al riled up bout sellin them burgers n things so he talked with them gjuys with the old appalacha railroad bout usin their ol dep downtown thet they don use ahnymor
well they sed yes
an then odie use the rest of his money to buy a grill thing and a fryer an some tables an chairs and opened his own place to sell they burgers an frreys
wll u gotts member they aint a lot of people hear and them what is here aint got a lot of money to spen on thet stuff
odie did good for a while and then people jus stopped going in his place
well old ode got his eddiecation at the high school aat the county seet n thought he knew a lot bout sellin and stuff like that
so decided to reduce his prices n a few more people came in to his place
then it dropped off agin so odie dropped them more
well it finally got to wheree odie was losin money on everthin he sold but he was keepin busy
wasnt long though till he didnt have the money to pay for his gas a lectric
he was busy but it wernt working out
he was sellin all his burgers and freys at a loss
he went bellyup
kindee like them genral motors guys are a doing
only thet alabama president guy aint sendin odie no money to hep him out
dont seem fare
odie took his check money thets the check we get each yer for not raisin crops and he took the geyhound bus to our capital city up in mid ohio there
he sed he went to one of them mcdonals things and to w windys n really liked them burgers and freys and thngs thet he got ther
when odie got back he was al riled up bout sellin them burgers n things so he talked with them gjuys with the old appalacha railroad bout usin their ol dep downtown thet they don use ahnymor
well they sed yes
an then odie use the rest of his money to buy a grill thing and a fryer an some tables an chairs and opened his own place to sell they burgers an frreys
wll u gotts member they aint a lot of people hear and them what is here aint got a lot of money to spen on thet stuff
odie did good for a while and then people jus stopped going in his place
well old ode got his eddiecation at the high school aat the county seet n thought he knew a lot bout sellin and stuff like that
so decided to reduce his prices n a few more people came in to his place
then it dropped off agin so odie dropped them more
well it finally got to wheree odie was losin money on everthin he sold but he was keepin busy
wasnt long though till he didnt have the money to pay for his gas a lectric
he was busy but it wernt working out
he was sellin all his burgers and freys at a loss
he went bellyup
kindee like them genral motors guys are a doing
only thet alabama president guy aint sendin odie no money to hep him out
dont seem fare
we was talking up at they hospital bout how this feller from alabama is spendin all this money and how he got rid of thet guy from the genral motors caar plaace
we waz dtrying to figure out what he had to do with it
dhe culd jus go in an get rid of anybody i gess
now they is a given more dollars to them car places to hep em out
they has been in business for long time n they is goin bellyup
so they is duin somethin wrong
sos the guy from alabama is givne them more money to keep doin stuff thet made em bo belly up in the fust place no thet dont make sense is they gonna keep doin stuff wrong till they get it rite it jest seems like somethin is wrong there
some guy sed them car guys was losing money on ever car they sold now thet jus dont seem lkike good business to me
then essie sed that if they cut down on car sdales they wuld lose less money well thet axcturlly made sense to all of us i guess maybe they shuld try a duble price sale then they wuld make more money
wher is the president guy from alabama gettin all this money anyway
seems like he culd save a lot of money ifn he didnt fly round so much
we waz dtrying to figure out what he had to do with it
dhe culd jus go in an get rid of anybody i gess
now they is a given more dollars to them car places to hep em out
they has been in business for long time n they is goin bellyup
so they is duin somethin wrong
sos the guy from alabama is givne them more money to keep doin stuff thet made em bo belly up in the fust place no thet dont make sense is they gonna keep doin stuff wrong till they get it rite it jest seems like somethin is wrong there
some guy sed them car guys was losing money on ever car they sold now thet jus dont seem lkike good business to me
then essie sed that if they cut down on car sdales they wuld lose less money well thet axcturlly made sense to all of us i guess maybe they shuld try a duble price sale then they wuld make more money
wher is the president guy from alabama gettin all this money anyway
seems like he culd save a lot of money ifn he didnt fly round so much
i be back
i aint been able to be on hear for a while causin i took sick n they took me up to that college hospital in the state capital n worked on me reell good
they even let essie stay there too n her sister maud took care of the kids back home
the doctor man sed i had somethin clogged near my hart from etein too much pork n lard n stuff but the stuff they want me to eat aint in our stor back home
i am better though was able to chop wood a few days ago n not pass out
i am hopin to go to the grange hall next week an tend their meetin thats where i get to lern so much bout whats happened in the world n in this country of ourn
i am hopin that feller from alabama keeps spendin all thet money cause i want some of it to go too thet hospital up at the state capital
we got a paper the other day n it sez he is reely spending money he musta been reel rich afore he became the president to know how to spend all thet money corse hes from chicago an they has always been known for doin things
im gonna be sendin to my friend up ther in nerk more stuff to put on heer i type it on my portable royal n then essie takes it to the county library and somehow they send it to ol dooley up state there somehow and then he copies it puts it on heer
from justin
they even let essie stay there too n her sister maud took care of the kids back home
the doctor man sed i had somethin clogged near my hart from etein too much pork n lard n stuff but the stuff they want me to eat aint in our stor back home
i am better though was able to chop wood a few days ago n not pass out
i am hopin to go to the grange hall next week an tend their meetin thats where i get to lern so much bout whats happened in the world n in this country of ourn
i am hopin that feller from alabama keeps spendin all thet money cause i want some of it to go too thet hospital up at the state capital
we got a paper the other day n it sez he is reely spending money he musta been reel rich afore he became the president to know how to spend all thet money corse hes from chicago an they has always been known for doin things
im gonna be sendin to my friend up ther in nerk more stuff to put on heer i type it on my portable royal n then essie takes it to the county library and somehow they send it to ol dooley up state there somehow and then he copies it puts it on heer
from justin
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
ol glen turner n thet guy from alabama
i jes dont unnerstand how thet guy from alabama has done what all he is a doin
i guess it is all thet polish hes got and that suave way he has bout him
he is a good hand shaker you can bet on that
we had a guy come thru here yers ago selling some smelly stuff called koscot
old glen turner was his name he was slicker than well he was slick
he didnt even talk bout his smellin stuff he just told us how much money we was all a gonna make if we joined his club thing
he was a sellin us an opportunity not no oils n stuff
he was a sellin making money the easy life somethin for nothing but boy was he good at it he had a silver tonge jus like old alabama
he only had a 3rd grade education and a hair lip
an after the big war ii he sold german sewing machines
he sed he got knocked on his arse more than once by some guy who fout in the war and didnt want no german machine
well old glen sold them all then he went back and sold themm more stuff and made his first million
he sed he went bankrupt three times and each time he went to court in a cadillac
doggies he had a silver tongue
there was jus somethin about him that made you like him n he was a selling gettin somethin for nuthin the easy way kinda like old alabama is doin
old alabama culd sell koscot and make millions doin it
they is both selling something for nuthin
they is both gonna take care of everythin for us
as essy sez pie in the sky guys
i guess it is all thet polish hes got and that suave way he has bout him
he is a good hand shaker you can bet on that
we had a guy come thru here yers ago selling some smelly stuff called koscot
old glen turner was his name he was slicker than well he was slick
he didnt even talk bout his smellin stuff he just told us how much money we was all a gonna make if we joined his club thing
he was a sellin us an opportunity not no oils n stuff
he was a sellin making money the easy life somethin for nothing but boy was he good at it he had a silver tonge jus like old alabama
he only had a 3rd grade education and a hair lip
an after the big war ii he sold german sewing machines
he sed he got knocked on his arse more than once by some guy who fout in the war and didnt want no german machine
well old glen sold them all then he went back and sold themm more stuff and made his first million
he sed he went bankrupt three times and each time he went to court in a cadillac
doggies he had a silver tongue
there was jus somethin about him that made you like him n he was a selling gettin somethin for nuthin the easy way kinda like old alabama is doin
old alabama culd sell koscot and make millions doin it
they is both selling something for nuthin
they is both gonna take care of everythin for us
as essy sez pie in the sky guys
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
been a while
it has been a while since i got to use kalleys computer thing the home schoolin folks sed thet she cult only use it for schoolin stuff and not to let her daddy use it at all so she didnt
well old bush lettin thet guy go home i guess he was a friend or sumptin but it jes seems like a bad time to do thet he aint reel popular now with no one to much and well thet jus seems like not a good thing to do to me anyway
we was talking las evening at the grange hall as to why we is in thet war over there we kindee think ol saddam there could have done a better job of it all all them boys and girls lost well we was talkin bout terrorism stuff an we was wonderun why we was in iraq cus we wasnt sure if thet was where this terrorism stuff was in the first place some guys tought it was old saudi rabia where them guys lived and worked out of so why is we in iraq
them smart guys use a lot o words to splain it but we wassa thinkin they was just words and when we tried to figger them out they didnt meen nothin like this thing in england with them bomb cars they didnt stop them in iraq they stopped them in england there by findin out who they was and what they was gonna do so we wuz wonderin how fitin in iraq was stopping them guys from blowing us up here in the us of a then ben ladein guy is still runnin round we got ol saddam and his kids but them folks is still wantin to blow us up saddam parently did some bad stuff to his people but they was his people not ourn some feller sez they was oppressed whatever thet meens oppressed is better than dead so we just goes in and shoots them oppressed people i guess we set em free now all them guys is wanten to blow themselves up and go to tem virgin girls we aint seen many of them down here in shawnee i tell you
it ainta gonna be easy findin all them folks what wants to blow us up thet one guy over there was a doctor for cryin out loud they is just a whole lotta people wantin to do thet to us
well we bout decided america is bout done for as to like it was when old ben franklin and george started things it was kinda like they pushed a big old wheel down a long hill and it keeps goin faster and faster and aint nobody can stop it well we opened them freedom doors to everyone and they came an r still coming an we caint close them an now we has to lern spanish jus to read them boxes thet comes with things we buy
an now too ol harley kester sed too bout who issa goin b the president well why wuld anyone spend millions o dollars thet wasnt theres in the first place to get a job thet has more headaches than a moonshiner has next mornin u got the tax thing thet war in iraq bunch of political guys steeling stuff thet one reel mouthy woman running the congress now them ruskies are gettin there dander up agin most of the people is livin on the government well old harley sed he dont figure why n we all greed with him at the grange hall
i sed once that the guvement guy stopped by and they want to pay me to not raise stuff on the farm but thet it had to be stuff we didnt raise that they wanted us to raise in the fust place cause i wanted to raise that marywanna stuff cus it sold better but the guvment cant pay me to not raise it i gotta not raise corn or sumptin like thet they will only pay me to not raise something they want me to raise in the first place well thet never made a lot of sense to me and then we figered that when they started payen us to not raise stuff n we would lose some of the other things we was gettin well we was better off raisin stuff n gettin all they other stuff we got from the guvment and the country and the state a lot bettr off
we culdnt decide who we liked to be president next time we wach ol fred there on thet tv show and he does a good job as the da or whatever and the obama guy well some sez he shuda be wering a towel on his head cause he was brught up thet way then we found out it was the hillary folks thet sed thet hillary well we jus cant decide bout her bout the time we made ar minds up on willy her old man then she comes around but them makeup folks are doin a good job she dont look the same anymore she dont even talk the same anymore we was watchin her on tv at the grange hall she was talkin to some folks when they brought up bout bush lettin thet guy go home an she sez croneeism has to go well old hessy grove had her dictironry book with her and looked thet work up and it sed see clinton when she sed that old palentine rhoe let out a whoop and a hollar at the grange hall somethin bout callin the kettle black or something like that
rudy might do a good job thet fat old gore guy sez he might try but we all know old hill aint gonna let thet happen so i guess at the grange hall we is leaning for ol newt he talks a lot of good sense stuff and we like thet but he aint never gonna get the chance so we dont know
nuther meetin on wensday will decide it all then
i am thinkin of getting this keybord fixed i thought it had a spellcheck thing on it but kalley sed it wore out or sumptin caint figure thet out
well old bush lettin thet guy go home i guess he was a friend or sumptin but it jes seems like a bad time to do thet he aint reel popular now with no one to much and well thet jus seems like not a good thing to do to me anyway
we was talking las evening at the grange hall as to why we is in thet war over there we kindee think ol saddam there could have done a better job of it all all them boys and girls lost well we was talkin bout terrorism stuff an we was wonderun why we was in iraq cus we wasnt sure if thet was where this terrorism stuff was in the first place some guys tought it was old saudi rabia where them guys lived and worked out of so why is we in iraq
them smart guys use a lot o words to splain it but we wassa thinkin they was just words and when we tried to figger them out they didnt meen nothin like this thing in england with them bomb cars they didnt stop them in iraq they stopped them in england there by findin out who they was and what they was gonna do so we wuz wonderin how fitin in iraq was stopping them guys from blowing us up here in the us of a then ben ladein guy is still runnin round we got ol saddam and his kids but them folks is still wantin to blow us up saddam parently did some bad stuff to his people but they was his people not ourn some feller sez they was oppressed whatever thet meens oppressed is better than dead so we just goes in and shoots them oppressed people i guess we set em free now all them guys is wanten to blow themselves up and go to tem virgin girls we aint seen many of them down here in shawnee i tell you
it ainta gonna be easy findin all them folks what wants to blow us up thet one guy over there was a doctor for cryin out loud they is just a whole lotta people wantin to do thet to us
well we bout decided america is bout done for as to like it was when old ben franklin and george started things it was kinda like they pushed a big old wheel down a long hill and it keeps goin faster and faster and aint nobody can stop it well we opened them freedom doors to everyone and they came an r still coming an we caint close them an now we has to lern spanish jus to read them boxes thet comes with things we buy
an now too ol harley kester sed too bout who issa goin b the president well why wuld anyone spend millions o dollars thet wasnt theres in the first place to get a job thet has more headaches than a moonshiner has next mornin u got the tax thing thet war in iraq bunch of political guys steeling stuff thet one reel mouthy woman running the congress now them ruskies are gettin there dander up agin most of the people is livin on the government well old harley sed he dont figure why n we all greed with him at the grange hall
i sed once that the guvement guy stopped by and they want to pay me to not raise stuff on the farm but thet it had to be stuff we didnt raise that they wanted us to raise in the fust place cause i wanted to raise that marywanna stuff cus it sold better but the guvment cant pay me to not raise it i gotta not raise corn or sumptin like thet they will only pay me to not raise something they want me to raise in the first place well thet never made a lot of sense to me and then we figered that when they started payen us to not raise stuff n we would lose some of the other things we was gettin well we was better off raisin stuff n gettin all they other stuff we got from the guvment and the country and the state a lot bettr off
we culdnt decide who we liked to be president next time we wach ol fred there on thet tv show and he does a good job as the da or whatever and the obama guy well some sez he shuda be wering a towel on his head cause he was brught up thet way then we found out it was the hillary folks thet sed thet hillary well we jus cant decide bout her bout the time we made ar minds up on willy her old man then she comes around but them makeup folks are doin a good job she dont look the same anymore she dont even talk the same anymore we was watchin her on tv at the grange hall she was talkin to some folks when they brought up bout bush lettin thet guy go home an she sez croneeism has to go well old hessy grove had her dictironry book with her and looked thet work up and it sed see clinton when she sed that old palentine rhoe let out a whoop and a hollar at the grange hall somethin bout callin the kettle black or something like that
rudy might do a good job thet fat old gore guy sez he might try but we all know old hill aint gonna let thet happen so i guess at the grange hall we is leaning for ol newt he talks a lot of good sense stuff and we like thet but he aint never gonna get the chance so we dont know
nuther meetin on wensday will decide it all then
i am thinkin of getting this keybord fixed i thought it had a spellcheck thing on it but kalley sed it wore out or sumptin caint figure thet out
Thursday, June 08, 2006
they got a bad guy over there
we wuz listenin to the newss this mornin an they kep taliing bout this guy they blew up over there i thought they kep sayin his name was fukari or somethin like that hes got a whole lot of names anyway they seem happy thet they blu thet sucker up from the looks o them pichurs they got more than jus him hell of a big hole there
why caint they find thet other feller the ben ladin guy i wonder
i kep herein his name and thought of theem fukari indians we had in oklahoma they wuz alaways walking round and some times the old chief wuld look round and say to his tribe where the fukari thet wuz where they got their name i i guess old bush theree is gettin a lot of mileage out of this thing its on both our stations an even on the radio we only get the am not sure bout the fm
seems like a good plan though blo up all the buindlings they is trying to tell us how bad this fukari guy was he wers his watch on his right arm wonder if he was left handed
sum guy sent me an email the other day and wondered about where we live well we got to talkin bout it well we got a post office at the store henny broman has been doin the mail there as long as i can remember he also owns the store an does a lot of the work there we alays just call it here or there down at the store never worried bout a name for it till we went to school and on thet building it always said corning so we figured that we wuz named thet the ol school had tu doors one for boys and one for girls dont see thet anymore
store and ol henny has gas tu n some clothing stuff and course groceries n other sstuff ol curly mapes had the hardware sstore he had everthing we ever needed and ifn he didn't have it he got it for us sometimes took a while to get it lot of the stuff he ordered got delivered by the old greyhound bus it cfame to town one time a day round noon i still remember the day someone got off ol bage cotterman joined up in the army an they let him come home one time to say hi to his folks then he got on the bus a week later and we never saw him again no one never herd from him
there is still a poolhall with tu tables n a pop machine old george mann has a barber shop we all go to an mert kalmer has a buty shop i never been in there even when i pick essie up i wait outside lot of scary stuff goes on in there n they do a lot of talkin
just a small town with a small school at the futball games on friday nite out marching band is so small thet they only form a period on thet futball field
love you all from justin n essie an theer kids
why caint they find thet other feller the ben ladin guy i wonder
i kep herein his name and thought of theem fukari indians we had in oklahoma they wuz alaways walking round and some times the old chief wuld look round and say to his tribe where the fukari thet wuz where they got their name i i guess old bush theree is gettin a lot of mileage out of this thing its on both our stations an even on the radio we only get the am not sure bout the fm
seems like a good plan though blo up all the buindlings they is trying to tell us how bad this fukari guy was he wers his watch on his right arm wonder if he was left handed
sum guy sent me an email the other day and wondered about where we live well we got to talkin bout it well we got a post office at the store henny broman has been doin the mail there as long as i can remember he also owns the store an does a lot of the work there we alays just call it here or there down at the store never worried bout a name for it till we went to school and on thet building it always said corning so we figured that we wuz named thet the ol school had tu doors one for boys and one for girls dont see thet anymore
store and ol henny has gas tu n some clothing stuff and course groceries n other sstuff ol curly mapes had the hardware sstore he had everthing we ever needed and ifn he didn't have it he got it for us sometimes took a while to get it lot of the stuff he ordered got delivered by the old greyhound bus it cfame to town one time a day round noon i still remember the day someone got off ol bage cotterman joined up in the army an they let him come home one time to say hi to his folks then he got on the bus a week later and we never saw him again no one never herd from him
there is still a poolhall with tu tables n a pop machine old george mann has a barber shop we all go to an mert kalmer has a buty shop i never been in there even when i pick essie up i wait outside lot of scary stuff goes on in there n they do a lot of talkin
just a small town with a small school at the futball games on friday nite out marching band is so small thet they only form a period on thet futball field
love you all from justin n essie an theer kids
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
lof a fuss goin on
well it is wednesdaay here in southeastern ohia the sun is out nice an not too cold we was talkin this mornin about all this stuff about where are ships park and so forth and i guess none of us understood what was happening we kno them politicians dont so who duz well izzie yonders when he was in the war members that when he was in nu york that them folks there run the port an he thought the same think about long beech in california them cities made there money offn them what happened anyway
one of them demo congress guys sed well maybe one of them aem guys runnin some port culd have a cusin who had a frend who had a neighbor who new a guy in the alcaida thing and would tell him somethin old heiny jordan sed hey them terror guys seem to be able to find out anythin anyway
but then ol covey who has a tv in his trailer he hurd a funny thing he said yu dont hire old michel jackson as a baby sitter u dont let your cute daughter do any baby sittin for old bill clinton and it aint a good idea to let guys you dont know and was one tiem an enemy to run out ports it aint a good idea aint we got anybody in the us of a that culd do it we got all them folks out of work ... a lot of companies going out of business and them smart suits drivin cabs then culd run it i dont kno we just aint smart people that aem place gave money to nu olrealns to help well that shows ssomethin not shur what where are them teamster guys what du they tink o that situation i thought tehy run them ports where is the mafia let them run it they is forners too from itly or somers id rather see them there i thought they was anyway i gotta go the goverment guy is here he brings us a check ever once in a while they paze us to not grow tobacco and stuff we get a lot more now then when we had to plow and plant and all that sugg we wuz goin broke doin that now they gives us over a hunert thousand a yer after we pay off the motor home and the house n some other stuff we has got i am gonna get a nu typin thing later
one of them demo congress guys sed well maybe one of them aem guys runnin some port culd have a cusin who had a frend who had a neighbor who new a guy in the alcaida thing and would tell him somethin old heiny jordan sed hey them terror guys seem to be able to find out anythin anyway
but then ol covey who has a tv in his trailer he hurd a funny thing he said yu dont hire old michel jackson as a baby sitter u dont let your cute daughter do any baby sittin for old bill clinton and it aint a good idea to let guys you dont know and was one tiem an enemy to run out ports it aint a good idea aint we got anybody in the us of a that culd do it we got all them folks out of work ... a lot of companies going out of business and them smart suits drivin cabs then culd run it i dont kno we just aint smart people that aem place gave money to nu olrealns to help well that shows ssomethin not shur what where are them teamster guys what du they tink o that situation i thought tehy run them ports where is the mafia let them run it they is forners too from itly or somers id rather see them there i thought they was anyway i gotta go the goverment guy is here he brings us a check ever once in a while they paze us to not grow tobacco and stuff we get a lot more now then when we had to plow and plant and all that sugg we wuz goin broke doin that now they gives us over a hunert thousand a yer after we pay off the motor home and the house n some other stuff we has got i am gonna get a nu typin thing later
Thursday, February 16, 2006
food from the church
good week for us the church will being out there truk filled with food for us i dont kno wher they get it all but it usually has some surprizes one time we got 7 jars of sometin called antipasto or somethin like that we just opened the one it was bad the dog wudndt eat it we been usin the other 6 as decorations on the fireplace the labels was really purty the one we opened we finally buried out back and it looks like the hackbush that was near it is gonna do reely well we talked about opened them others and usen them in the garden this summer dont know about that smell though we alas get a lot of rice and powdered milk and them powder potatoes an corn syrup lots of corn syrup we got so much of that we started storin it out in the back of the barn we tried to tell them folks we got some cows so we got milk and effie does taters every summer and we keep them down in the potato cellar thats nice and cool so we got plenty of good old mashed taters all the time but they still keep bringin all thet stuff out sweet taters too i think we got over 200 cans o them
the one that is reely a problem is tha tuna stuff they been bringin cases of thet stuff out now for over 7 years we dont know what it is we opened a can a long time ago and we had over 75 cats come to the house they was everwherre effie finally buried that stuff deep in the field out back them cats hung round her to where she culd hardly dig she finally got it done and them cats hung around for a long time we just been storin them cans out in the back of the orchard we just aint got room anywhere else.. ezra parkinson sed the cans was luminum or somethin and that they would be ok outside i guess we will get more this week to put out there
sumdtimes too they bring some reely good stuff that some folks gives them over type stuff one time we got a load of pears from somebody who had too many too guys a harry and a david i think it was them was reely big pears i think the lady from the church sed they was somethin like a queen anne or something good and big and juicy but they musta had a lot cuse they kept bringing them out ever week effie put up about a hunnert jars of stuff preeservs jam jelly we had pear pie and effie can do a number on pie but i gotta admit we finally got reely tired of pears we still got a lot of the stuff in the fruit cellar
they meen well though and we do preciate what they do it helps out feedin everyone and i guess it helps the goverment get rid of a lot of stuff they got they must have a lot of cheese stored up somewhere cause well i mean they bring out cheese all the time dont get me wrong its good cheese well yu see all our neighbors are in the same shape we are in no jobs with the mines closed they tried to put in a place to make stuff nearby somethin for a honda or some jap car well that didnt work out bout the time it was goin well they decided to make the part someplace else nice building the county has been holdin dances there and they has some offices too old howdy bell the stension guy has a reely nice office there toomy banks duz too he has somethin to do with veterans or somethin only problem there aint no veterans around here everyone has been kept out of the service cause they always needed the coal from the mines so toomy really dont do anything but hez got a really nice office got a big glass box with funny lookin fish swimmin in it even got a lite bulb in it dont know why it do hurt the fish
gotta go for now here comes the church truck the kids always has fun when it comes round sometimes they take all them paper labels off and just guess whats in them cans not that tuna though goes rite to the back of the orchard
the one that is reely a problem is tha tuna stuff they been bringin cases of thet stuff out now for over 7 years we dont know what it is we opened a can a long time ago and we had over 75 cats come to the house they was everwherre effie finally buried that stuff deep in the field out back them cats hung round her to where she culd hardly dig she finally got it done and them cats hung around for a long time we just been storin them cans out in the back of the orchard we just aint got room anywhere else.. ezra parkinson sed the cans was luminum or somethin and that they would be ok outside i guess we will get more this week to put out there
sumdtimes too they bring some reely good stuff that some folks gives them over type stuff one time we got a load of pears from somebody who had too many too guys a harry and a david i think it was them was reely big pears i think the lady from the church sed they was somethin like a queen anne or something good and big and juicy but they musta had a lot cuse they kept bringing them out ever week effie put up about a hunnert jars of stuff preeservs jam jelly we had pear pie and effie can do a number on pie but i gotta admit we finally got reely tired of pears we still got a lot of the stuff in the fruit cellar
they meen well though and we do preciate what they do it helps out feedin everyone and i guess it helps the goverment get rid of a lot of stuff they got they must have a lot of cheese stored up somewhere cause well i mean they bring out cheese all the time dont get me wrong its good cheese well yu see all our neighbors are in the same shape we are in no jobs with the mines closed they tried to put in a place to make stuff nearby somethin for a honda or some jap car well that didnt work out bout the time it was goin well they decided to make the part someplace else nice building the county has been holdin dances there and they has some offices too old howdy bell the stension guy has a reely nice office there toomy banks duz too he has somethin to do with veterans or somethin only problem there aint no veterans around here everyone has been kept out of the service cause they always needed the coal from the mines so toomy really dont do anything but hez got a really nice office got a big glass box with funny lookin fish swimmin in it even got a lite bulb in it dont know why it do hurt the fish
gotta go for now here comes the church truck the kids always has fun when it comes round sometimes they take all them paper labels off and just guess whats in them cans not that tuna though goes rite to the back of the orchard
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
i went to the libary with three who is my oldest and she showed me the computer there and even this thing dooley is dooin --- wow dogies it was fancy- now he sez he wansts me to do another one sometime-
few yers ago we got a tv at the goodwill store and it weems to wurk good- we dont get meny stations but it seels like if you got a good one then one is all you need- well the shows aint too good we we all anjoy them ad things that there are som many of- almost like they just do them shows to put somethin in between them ads-
we been watchin them ads from them lawyers- mercy they got guys that reely do just one thing i guess- one guy sez that if you took this pill durin these years he can get you money- course we was interested in them guys who wanted to get us money for workin in the mines cause we all god black lung stuff- they got mad at me cause i dodnt have non for them to get me money for-
they just got all sorts of reasons for you to call and get money- essie and me was talkin about it- they must be a whole lot of folks who just does nuthin but get all there money out of them court guys- and then that old wentworth guy will be all your money for you at one time- essie wondered it they leanerd you that in school now about suing and all that stuff- seems like a lot of folks make their livin that way-
an if that dont work there is some folks lookin for sick folks to dtake care of and to study-
last night we had the tv on and watchin them guys play baseball and all they was doing was tryin to lose the ball over that fence -- well that dint make sense to me but they seemed to be havin fun doinn it- one guy would hit it and lose it over the fence and they would all hoop and hollar just cause he lost a ball- heck i coudl tickle them to death by losin stuff in these hills down here-
bugt then while these guys was losin ball they would go to some news guy who would tell us about some army folks gettin shot and then sed see that kerry fella and his friend from the south tellin us how they is gonna save us and then in the very next thing they tells us abougt how them guys from arabia wants to kill us all- and then essie changed the dial thing and we saw some folks seein who culd eat the most worms and jump off high places-
essie sed it was more like havin bad dreams at night than watchin the tv- we got the government folks who come around and try to take care of us- ever time we hear some one say hey im from the guvernment and i want to take care of you well we run and hide anymore-
like well one of them guy s got me a brand new john deer 487 shrunk plow with ever thing oni t got air conditioning and a radio and a phone and --- well -- we aint got any land to farm but another fellow got us a shed built to park the tractor in- well that lady miss estelle -- well she worked some stuff out for us and we get a check each month for not growin tobacco- seems like tiff corby who has the land next to us said we could use it sometime and he dont donuthin with it so that lady estelle figured we had it -- we aint figured out what to do with them letters we get yet- wel they want us to use up about well 50 hundred dollars a month and if we do that then we dondt get to go top the church food thing them fireman bring nice toys for the kids and a whold basket of food every christmas- i love to use them baskets to store stuff in- the one last year was a double slatted one with 12 gauge wire handles that went clear around the basket and double walled in the sides- doggies it was nice i would really miss gettin one each year so you can see why we aint sure about that money comin in --- none of us even smokes so why would we grow tobacci - them government people - i got a feelin too that the congresswoman had somethin to di with it- she has what she calls a slush fund and thought we could put some of that money in to slop up some of that slush -- we figured ----
few yers ago we got a tv at the goodwill store and it weems to wurk good- we dont get meny stations but it seels like if you got a good one then one is all you need- well the shows aint too good we we all anjoy them ad things that there are som many of- almost like they just do them shows to put somethin in between them ads-
we been watchin them ads from them lawyers- mercy they got guys that reely do just one thing i guess- one guy sez that if you took this pill durin these years he can get you money- course we was interested in them guys who wanted to get us money for workin in the mines cause we all god black lung stuff- they got mad at me cause i dodnt have non for them to get me money for-
they just got all sorts of reasons for you to call and get money- essie and me was talkin about it- they must be a whole lot of folks who just does nuthin but get all there money out of them court guys- and then that old wentworth guy will be all your money for you at one time- essie wondered it they leanerd you that in school now about suing and all that stuff- seems like a lot of folks make their livin that way-
an if that dont work there is some folks lookin for sick folks to dtake care of and to study-
last night we had the tv on and watchin them guys play baseball and all they was doing was tryin to lose the ball over that fence -- well that dint make sense to me but they seemed to be havin fun doinn it- one guy would hit it and lose it over the fence and they would all hoop and hollar just cause he lost a ball- heck i coudl tickle them to death by losin stuff in these hills down here-
bugt then while these guys was losin ball they would go to some news guy who would tell us about some army folks gettin shot and then sed see that kerry fella and his friend from the south tellin us how they is gonna save us and then in the very next thing they tells us abougt how them guys from arabia wants to kill us all- and then essie changed the dial thing and we saw some folks seein who culd eat the most worms and jump off high places-
essie sed it was more like havin bad dreams at night than watchin the tv- we got the government folks who come around and try to take care of us- ever time we hear some one say hey im from the guvernment and i want to take care of you well we run and hide anymore-
like well one of them guy s got me a brand new john deer 487 shrunk plow with ever thing oni t got air conditioning and a radio and a phone and --- well -- we aint got any land to farm but another fellow got us a shed built to park the tractor in- well that lady miss estelle -- well she worked some stuff out for us and we get a check each month for not growin tobacco- seems like tiff corby who has the land next to us said we could use it sometime and he dont donuthin with it so that lady estelle figured we had it -- we aint figured out what to do with them letters we get yet- wel they want us to use up about well 50 hundred dollars a month and if we do that then we dondt get to go top the church food thing them fireman bring nice toys for the kids and a whold basket of food every christmas- i love to use them baskets to store stuff in- the one last year was a double slatted one with 12 gauge wire handles that went clear around the basket and double walled in the sides- doggies it was nice i would really miss gettin one each year so you can see why we aint sure about that money comin in --- none of us even smokes so why would we grow tobacci - them government people - i got a feelin too that the congresswoman had somethin to di with it- she has what she calls a slush fund and thought we could put some of that money in to slop up some of that slush -- we figured ----
i got nothin to say
old dooley wanted me to write sumthin here for him to put in some thin he call a blog ... we got a lot of blogs out in the field but we dont call them thet ... we call em cow pies-
ol dooley sed to say somtthin about the family and what i think bout some things- i got this type thing up in corning afew years ago- we went to some sales they had there and i just loved this typin thing- you hit a key and pow it printed in on the paper- well i never cul srite too good only lerned to print not the cursed or whatever that was they tried to get us to do- but then i only went to the thurd grade- it was kinde weerd thouhg we had all of my brothers and sisters in school at one time at the schoolhouse in boone- it was only wun room and old rebecca hatcher was the teecher- and she tried to teech all of us all that different stuff- well by the time i got the grade three there was my sister edna -- she was purty slow with stuff -- and my bruther norris -- he was the one that got kicked in the hed by our mule we called dutch .. he never did good after that- well anyway there was three smiths in the thurd grade alone and ms hatcher was tryin to get the old ones gradiated and it was jus too much for her- well she sent seven of us home and we never went back-
but she gradiated tu of my borhters and one sisteter and they did good after that- james arthur well let me say this first- we had some guverment people comin round a lot trying to help us out with welfare and all sorts of programs they had to help us- they mkent well and it seemd like they had so much they wanted to give us-
one time a guy comess down in a big black subourbon well we though he was a shiner at first -- then he splained that a subourbon was not to drink but that was what his car was- anyway he had tui hundred and fifty thousand dollars for us to put a big dam and a pond on out place- he had looked at somethin wrong cuse there was only a half acre and it didnteven belong to us- but anyway someone wanted james arthur to go to college and got him in an army college up north and james arthur went do did reel good and become a kurnel in the army and we think dthat he may become a genral even-
course maude amy went to college at ahia state and went on i9n the guvernment and became a senator in washington- they got her some sort of a scolarship thing and well maude was always feel fast and could jump and they got her on some sorta group of folds that i guess also liked to run and jump and they payed for her to go to school up there just to run and jump or sumthin like that- it got reel confusin cause she come home one time and gold us hbow she run around in a horseshew so you can see how we confused it-
albert grover well we dont talk bout him at all- somehow he unded up in california and got in with a wrong crowd well we dont even know what all he did out there but he got caught doin it- at first we thought he was doin somethun in music -- well we heard sing sing and didn't know what that ment-
i never did get back to school after that just them three that they worked with- the rest of us stayed home and helped out with cleaning and farming- daddy rented some land from josh bowers and we farmed thet and did good with food and stuff for us- we even went in to town sometimes and sold some of it to folks ther to get some money for us-
im married now and have tu boys and a girl- essie mae is my wife and we just named the kids one two and three it just seemed easier than comin up with names- thats a little somethin bout me- gonan get this off to old dooley and see what he does with it.
ol dooley sed to say somtthin about the family and what i think bout some things- i got this type thing up in corning afew years ago- we went to some sales they had there and i just loved this typin thing- you hit a key and pow it printed in on the paper- well i never cul srite too good only lerned to print not the cursed or whatever that was they tried to get us to do- but then i only went to the thurd grade- it was kinde weerd thouhg we had all of my brothers and sisters in school at one time at the schoolhouse in boone- it was only wun room and old rebecca hatcher was the teecher- and she tried to teech all of us all that different stuff- well by the time i got the grade three there was my sister edna -- she was purty slow with stuff -- and my bruther norris -- he was the one that got kicked in the hed by our mule we called dutch .. he never did good after that- well anyway there was three smiths in the thurd grade alone and ms hatcher was tryin to get the old ones gradiated and it was jus too much for her- well she sent seven of us home and we never went back-
but she gradiated tu of my borhters and one sisteter and they did good after that- james arthur well let me say this first- we had some guverment people comin round a lot trying to help us out with welfare and all sorts of programs they had to help us- they mkent well and it seemd like they had so much they wanted to give us-
one time a guy comess down in a big black subourbon well we though he was a shiner at first -- then he splained that a subourbon was not to drink but that was what his car was- anyway he had tui hundred and fifty thousand dollars for us to put a big dam and a pond on out place- he had looked at somethin wrong cuse there was only a half acre and it didnteven belong to us- but anyway someone wanted james arthur to go to college and got him in an army college up north and james arthur went do did reel good and become a kurnel in the army and we think dthat he may become a genral even-
course maude amy went to college at ahia state and went on i9n the guvernment and became a senator in washington- they got her some sort of a scolarship thing and well maude was always feel fast and could jump and they got her on some sorta group of folds that i guess also liked to run and jump and they payed for her to go to school up there just to run and jump or sumthin like that- it got reel confusin cause she come home one time and gold us hbow she run around in a horseshew so you can see how we confused it-
albert grover well we dont talk bout him at all- somehow he unded up in california and got in with a wrong crowd well we dont even know what all he did out there but he got caught doin it- at first we thought he was doin somethun in music -- well we heard sing sing and didn't know what that ment-
i never did get back to school after that just them three that they worked with- the rest of us stayed home and helped out with cleaning and farming- daddy rented some land from josh bowers and we farmed thet and did good with food and stuff for us- we even went in to town sometimes and sold some of it to folks ther to get some money for us-
im married now and have tu boys and a girl- essie mae is my wife and we just named the kids one two and three it just seemed easier than comin up with names- thats a little somethin bout me- gonan get this off to old dooley and see what he does with it.
About Justin .... by an admirer
Justin O. Smith .... well, let me tell you how he got his name. Justin was the last child in a family of 14 brothers and sisters. When his father asked the doctor whether it was a boy or girl, he said ... "It was just another Smith" thus his name, Justin Other Smith.
And his live has been the same ... last in line, no breaks, but he has a good attitude on life, sometimes some interesting things to say .... a typewriter ... but the shift key does not work, well ..... you'll see ......
Justin and his wife and family now live in Southeastern Ohio, in a coal mining town, but, coal is not mined there anymore. There is no work, few people .... we'll go from there .......
One more thing .... Justin writes like he thinks, says what is on his mind, and has a common sense point of view .....
And his live has been the same ... last in line, no breaks, but he has a good attitude on life, sometimes some interesting things to say .... a typewriter ... but the shift key does not work, well ..... you'll see ......
Justin and his wife and family now live in Southeastern Ohio, in a coal mining town, but, coal is not mined there anymore. There is no work, few people .... we'll go from there .......
One more thing .... Justin writes like he thinks, says what is on his mind, and has a common sense point of view .....
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